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4 tips to stay on top of the New Era of Digital Commerce


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Few developments have changed the business landscape like e-commerce and cloud adoption. Many businesses of all sizes are now able to compete on a digital landscape and attract just as many customers as larger competitors.

The focus on digital efforts has only accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, as businesses have identified changes in consumer behaviors and sought to try and take advantage of new methods. More and more companies are now making e-commerce and cloud adoption techniques a concern that is addressed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Cloud hosting allows people to build their e-commerce presence as quickly as their business grows. Cloud works ideally with eCommerce because a person pays for the services and resources they need, which avoids needless distractions and wasted time.

The pandemic made the adoption of cloud and e-commerce paramount, as more consumers have made convenience a priority when it comes to making purchases. All of this has only increased the need for efficiency and urgency with businesses hoping to grab consumer attention and create customers.

All of this has led to a much more global marketplace, and businesses will need to keep a few things in mind in order to remain competitive. Here are four things that your business should try to keep in mind.

1. Embrace omnicommerce.

Omnicommerce is a kind of integrated “all-channel” retail approach that tries to deliver consistent, seamless, personalized experiences culminating in secure, frictionless payments. Omnicommerce emerging as a philosophy demonstrates the increasing importance of payments as a cornerstone in each customer journey and is about organizing a retail strategy toward the goal of creating simple personalized shopping experiences that make customers happy.

Whereas omnicommerce was once referred to as a combination of brick-and-mortar and online strategies that businesses used to promote sales and brand affinity among consumers, it has expanded to combine both online and offline interactions that allow businesses to offer an enhanced, consolidated, and on-demand consumer experience across numerous commerce channels. Omnicommerce, or the ability to seamlessly interact with customers across all shopping channels, combines digital and physical in-store retail into an integrated shopping experience. 

Businesses will want to try to utilize a combination of in-person, e-commerce, online marketplaces, subscriptions, live-streaming events, and other channels to reach customers in multiple ways. Because in-person shopping remains limited because of the continuing pandemic fears, businesses can no longer rely on just one e-commerce store. 

Understanding omnicommerce is not simple, as there are a number of applications and systems involved that can make figuring out the details incredibly complex. Businesses using omnicommerce will have to deal with platforms, billing systems, and supply chain management among many other concerns. All of this is done to help manage inventories, host products, process transactions, facilitate online and in-store returns, and more.

A business will not only need to expand its sales channels but also examine technologies it can incorporate across systems, applications, and channels. These efforts can effectively increase visibility across the business and create a seamless customer experience. 

2. Reimagine customer experiences for digital.

It is a mistake to think that the digital customer experience is limited only to the time a person spends on an e-commerce website. Keep in mind that a person’s digital journey spans from the moment they discover a website all the way to the moment they receive a product.

In the end, more and more consumers are expecting additional benefits beyond just their purchases. There will be expectations relating to consumer support, payment options, and security for personal information. 

Shipping will now require notifications and updates as well as the ability to return merchandise. All of this means that businesses must deliver solid experiences from the beginning of a transaction until the end. 

3. Digitize operations to remove friction and enable growth.

Businesses must adapt to identify operations that can be digitized and automated so they can reduce any burden on staff and financial resources. From expansion to the addition of new products, there are numerous aspects of e-commerce that will help a business grow.

Digitization involves converting non-digital data, information, and operations to a digital platform for the ease and accessibility of both employees and customers. Examples of digitization include converting written applications to emails and making paper-based inventory a computer-based inventory management system. 

4. Prepare for frequent tax rule and regulation changes.

Tax regulations are constantly changing, so it can quickly become a nightmare for many businesses to make sure they are in compliance. For this reason, it becomes incredibly important to make sure that they are obeying the law and doing everything right when it comes to taxes.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has guidance on how to manage taxes for a digital platform. The IRS states that you need to understand your tax obligation if you operate a digital platform, marketplace, or business in the gig economy so you can correctly classify workers and meet requirements for information reporting and tax withholding, filing, and depositing. 

Many different kinds of digital businesses will need to be constantly mindful of new taxes that may be levied and cause a wealth of problems for businesses that are not prepared. Smaller businesses may suddenly see sharp increases in taxes that they thought only affected larger businesses.

Keeping in mind that the newfound internet marketplace is global, there can be tax concerns when companies are selling to other states or countries. You need to be aware of all the possible tax ramifications you could be facing.

It seems likely that tax collection will only become more strict for digital marketers, so there needs to be an expert on taxes who can effectively guide a business to be in full compliance. Business owners must correctly determine whether an individual providing services is an employee or independent contractor, properly report all payments, file tax returns regardless of taxable income, possibly pay certain business taxes, use the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) to pay all federal taxes and tax deposits, and help workers meet their tax obligations.

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For a free consultation, simply call (713) 287-1134, or contact us online. Our office will contact you as soon as possible to arrange for you to discuss the information about your project with an experienced Project Manager. 

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