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8 Link Building Campaign Tips


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Review these link-building campaign tips that can make your content marketing efforts work hard for you.

When it comes to SEO techniques, link building is not anybody’s favorite. Researching leads can be tedious and scrutinizing. Writing emails is even more challenging. The result makes people wish they could just pay for content marketing and SEO services to be rid of worrying about the entire thing.

But that’s not a solution many can opt for. Meanwhile, knowing very well the importance of link building in both your SEO and content marketing efforts, you can’t just really chuck it into the back-burner and forget all about it.

The key is all in streamlining your efforts.

How does link building work and why is it important in SEO and content marketing?

To help you better understand the value of link building and using it to strengthen your SEO and content marketing strategy, we need to revisit the fundamentals.

Link building is basically the process of acquiring inbound links from other relevant and reputable websites and integrating them on your website and web pages. The backlinks are considered the currency of the internet as they are real-life reputation scores for search engines and the main reason why link-building campaigns are important to SEO and content marketing.

The main goal with link building is not just simply to increase the quantity of reliable or credible inbound links to a webpage but to earn backlinks from authoritative sites. Backlinks function like a vote of confidence for a website.

Link building is one important search ranking factor because the quality backlinks that are earned relate to the higher chances of ranking better on search engine results pages (SERPs). Google’s concept of E-A-T is becoming more and more prevalent as search evolves and increases the importance of solving user intent through quality content.

Link building campaign tips for seamless integration

It is hard to deny that link building will be a pillar of content marketing efforts. It is also why investing in improving link-building campaigns now can be crucial in building up site credibility.

Here are some link-building campaign tips that every content marketer and outreach professional should know about. You should try to master one link-building technique before moving on to another. 

During Content Ideation and Research

1. Plan your content calendar ahead of time

Developing a content calendar allows people to plan content to be published and when to promote it. This can also allow time to make some adjustments on content such as tweaking high-performing articles to suit a special event or holiday.

There will occasionally be occasions that you may be running out of content that you want to post on your website. You could repurpose the content. Repurposing content revives it. Repurpose a piece of content in different formats and share it on different platforms.

2. Look into your competitors’ backlinks during keyword research

Competitor backlink analysis allows a company to review websites preferably within the industry. It also helps assess a position compared to a competitor. A look into who the backlinks of your direct competitors are will give you a baseline on who to reach out to for your own efforts and take what works for them and use it in your own digital marketing strategy.

Looking into the backlinks of a SERP competitor is a simple and effective strategy for link building. When the aim is to increase traffic, you can simply look at the traffic-driving websites of competitors. As you intend to grow outreach and link-building strategies, you could even be able to outnumber your rivals in terms of backlinks and referring domains.

But be careful. Yes, backlinks help. However, if backlinks are coming from non-credible or spammy websites, they do more harm than good.

To avoid the pitfalls of non-credible or spammy websites, use the right analysis tools that will help you check who’s backlinking them and you can target them for your outreach.

3. Always share content on social media

Finally, for a person to boost their link building it is important for them to strengthen their social media presence. It is not enough to just build links in content and wait for what happens next. You must also share content on social media to show how active you are in your niche.

This can also help boost a reputation as a credible and reliable source of information.

During Content Production

4. Identify linkable assets

A company will need interesting content and assets worthy of getting backlinks. Conduct an audit on a website and each web page to help identify which assets will be the focus of a link-building campaign.

Companies often create in-depth content that provides added value to common readers. However, if you cannot find any available linkable assets, you can seek help from SEO experts that can collaborate with you to produce a link-worthy asset to promote your website.

5. Publish quotes from reputable sources

One way for you to grab the attention of publications is by citing them in content. Most publishers are equipped with tools that notify them when their brand is mentioned, their writers are cited and their content is shared to the different social media platforms.

Another effective way is engaging in a content exchange. A content exchange involves expanding an audience range. Promote guest posts on social media and ask people to share them for additional exposure. By mentioning external sources, you will be building a connection that encourages people to cite your blogs or pages on their own websites. It is also a good way to improve SEO ranking.

6. Produce original content attributable to your brand.

Pretend that you wrote a long-form article with hard facts and figures that you generated through your own studies. There could be information that is unique to the business that you can share, or data that you are able to collect and share insights on.

When you get reputable links to this content, you will be confirming the validity of your studies and your brand credibility as a reliable source of information.

Optimize your outreach workflow

7. Take an hour or two of your day to do PR and outreach

Running link-building campaigns will not be a one-time deal. Make the practice a regular part of your daily digital marketing activities. Set aside an hour or two to do PR and outreach on various channels.

One form of outreach is looking for comments because you will be bridging the gap between yourself and the site owner. It will be considered a form of networking so you are not always “cold-calling” for links or possible collaboration opportunities.

There could be a bit of article seeding or the practice of sprinkling content across the internet. Also visit social media groups, forums, or other online communities frequented by target audiences and join the discussions. Use these opportunities to creatively recommend content that offers insights or solutions to the topic at hand.

Give special focus on the link-building aspect of SEO when doing outreach activities. You may use SEO email templates to simplify your outreach tasks.

8. Try different approaches in your link building

It is recommended to explore different approaches in link-building campaigns. Avoid presenting yourself to the target audience as a link builder. Keep in mind that you are reaching out to individuals who create content for the benefit of their target audience.

When planning your link building campaigns, ask yourself these questions:

  • How will they benefit from link building?
  • How will it benefit both you and your prospect to achieve your content and overall objectives?

Focus on solving those pain points about why link building is important for SEO and you could find yourself connecting with your audience, rather than sounding like you are simply reaching out for the links.

Key takeaways

Link building is a critical part of digital marketing and SEO. It boosts search rankings and promotes a brand as an authoritative voice in a niche. While it is a tedious job, the results are still worthy of your time and resources.

  • Link building only works when you have linkable content and assets. Create quality content and repurpose the high-performing ones.
  • Discover what works for competitors and use that to your advantage. See what helps them rank well and take what works for them to use it in your own digital marketing strategy.
  • Produce original content attributable to your brand. Build your brand credibility. Share information that is unique to the business that you generated through your own studies.

Find a Houston Digital Marketing Company for Link Building | SERP Matrix

If you need assistance with improving the quality of your hyperlinks or any other web maintenance issue in the Houston area, it will be important for you to contact SERP Matrix as soon as possible. We will be able to get to work for you right away and take the steps needed to improve your online standing in all kinds of search engines.

We guarantee to provide services as outlined in the client’s SEO agreement and a portion of fees for which service was not performed will be refunded if we fail to complete services per the written agreement. Call (713) 287-1134 or contact us online to have us talk to you about what we can do for your specific website during a free consultation.

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