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Merging the Powers of SEO and PPC


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Merging the Powers of SEO and PPC

In the world of digital marketing, there are so many different strategies and tactics at your disposal. And while social media marketing can look much different from website design and development, they both have the same goal: increasing web traffic and brand awareness.

If you’ve been involved with digital marketing before, you probably already know about search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising, two of the best ways to increase your brand’s online visibility in hopes of generating more sales. Depending on what you’ve studied thus far, you may be under the impression that SEO and PPC aren’t typically used in tandem. And if so, you’re not alone.

Studying search engine optimization can be hard. Now that we’ve hit 2020, there is a boatload of information available for students who are trying to master the art of search engine ranking And unfortunately, certain courses and curriculum can confuse marketers into believing that you must choose between pay-per-click advertising and organic search engine marketing.

The good is, this is not true. These two forms of online marketing can be used together, and when done correctly, the combination has the potential to fuel your digital presence to an entirely new level. In this blog, SERP Matrix breaks down some of the best ways to use SEO and PPC for your digital marketing campaigns.

Repurposing Ad Copy into SEO Titles & Descriptions

If you’re familiar with content writing for digital marketing purposes, you’re probably very familiar with the stress that comes with trying to write compelling ad copy that turns into conversions. It can be difficult trying to write a tagline or a quirky sentence that interests your visitors. It can also be equally as difficult to write Meta Descriptions and SEO titles that not only appease the latest search engine algorithm, but also the search engine users who are seeking what you have to offer.

If you’re struggling to write ad copy, you may be able to draw inspiration from your meta descriptions, and vice versa. Experts suggest taking a look at the click-through rate of your meta descriptions, and finding the ones with the highest success. By analyzing your previous successes with meta description content, you can find which pieces of content are best suited for PPC repurposing.

The same approach can be applied if you’re struggling to write your SEO titles or meta descriptions. If you have a successful ad copy that you’re currently using for your PPC campaigns, don’t hesitate to borrow from what is working. By repurposing your ad copy and implementing it into your meta descriptions and SEO titles, you are boosting your organic reach with the help of content that was previously written for paid search.

Hiring a Professional Marketing Company

Studying the powers of SEO and PPC is important for any business owner that is trying to make the most out of their business, but in most cases, you’ll need a professional to help you make it through the waters of organic search rank and paid advertising.

PPC requires careful bidding and planning. In today’s digital landscape, virtually every keyword and industry are highly competitive, and a failure to properly take care of your paid advertising efforts can lead to wasted money. If you’re attempting to find the right methods that can maximize your short-term and long-term goals, you need to find a company that understands search engine marketing and PPC advertisement. These two styles of advertising can work together for the greater good, but only if their efforts are spearheaded by digital marketing experts who are professionally trained for this type of work.

SERP Matrix | Digital Marketing Services in Houston, TX

At SERP Matrix, you will have access to everything you need to experience the quality marketing expertise you have always wanted. Backed by years of experience and industry-leading technology, our team of marketers, webmasters, and social media experts have seen it all, and we know how to increase a business’s exposure through the power of the Internet. For more information on how we can help your brand succeed, call us today at 713-287-1134 for a free consultation.

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