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The Top Benefits of PPC Advertising


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The Top Benefits of PPC Advertising

Top Benefits of PPC Advertising

PPC (pay-per-click) is undoubtedly a powerful tool for digital marketing. For years, business owners and marketers have used forms of paid advertising on platforms such as Google and Facebook to get the most out of their marketing plans. However, as digital marketing continues to grow in its complexity, many individuals are confused as to what exactly the top benefits of PPC advertising are.

There are so many aspects of pay-per-click to understand, but the benefits of doing it correctly are very straightforward. In this blog, SERP Matrix lays out the major benefits of PPC that business owners need to be aware of.


PPC provides users with an extremely hyper-focused method of targeting their desired keywords. Increasing traffic and getting more customers starts with ranking highly for the keywords your target, and pay-per-click is excellent for this due to the many options you have when setting up your paid ads. PPC allows you to set your ads based on time, day, location, device, and even language. Trying to set your paid ads to only target individuals in Spring, Texas using a mobile phone to conduct search results on the weekend? Pay-per-click allows you to do just that.


Because paid ads and PPC results are displayed above search results, investing in pay-per-click can be a wise investment if you’re trying to find exposure in a competitive keyword category. By using pay-per-click advertising, you’ll give yourself the opportunity to bid on keywords and find a prominent position in search results, which is the goal for so many.

One thing that cannot be denied is the visibility that PPC campaigns provide. By appearing so prominently in search engine results pages, you’re being seen by the right people and building authority in your industry. Even if your visitor leaves your website, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the click is “wasted”. It may not have been your desired outcome, but it is one that can still benefit you if you look at it the right way.


Do you have a time-sensitive service or product that you’re trying to advertise to your potential clients? If you’re trying to get the most advertising completed during a short period of time, pay-per-click is an excellent tool for you to use. SEO and organic search engine optimization is extremely powerful, but it is not an overnight process.

This is exactly where you can utilize the powers of pay-per-click. Setting up and launching paid Google search ads can sometimes be done in mere minutes, which makes it perfect for expiring products. Is your company having a major season for the holidays? Maybe your company has a product that has a two-week sale and you’re trying to get it in front of as many eyes as possible. If this sounds similar to your goals, you’re better off investing in PPC rather than the other aspects of digital marketing. Setting up extensive video marketing and social media marketing campaigns can yield great results, but there is no guarantee you will reap the results as quickly as you want or need to. By using PPC, you can count on quick results as long as you follow best practices.


Testing and tweaking your paid ads is typically an easy and straightforward process. Landing pages, call-to-actions, Facebook paid advertisements, and other aspects of a PPC campaign will need to be constantly changed over time. If you’re receiving feedback on your ads and noticing certain trends in certain areas, you can easily make changes and test new digital marketing strategies.


PPC contains true bang for your buck. Pay-per-click campaigns sometimes get a bit of a bad wrap for being an expensive marketing task. While it’s true that PPC costs can sometimes get out of hand, this is typically not the case when you have a digital marketing professional handling your campaigns. In the hands of an expert, PPC campaigns are going to be extremely valuable, due to the fact that you only pay when customers engage with your advertisement. 


While PPC can yield fast results, digital marketing and organic SEO practices are typically more of a slowburn. Depending on the marketing campaign and the industry it’s being held in, SEO can sometimes take weeks and months to begin paying off for the investor. By using PPC in tandem with your other digital marketing efforts such as search engine optimization, social media marketing, and content writing, you’ll be able to get the traffic you currently need while you wait for the organic efforts to pay off.

SERP Matrix | PPC Advertising in Houston, TX

At SERP Matrix, our team of professional digital marketers has been helping small businesses receive a hearty return on investment through the use of pay-per-click campaigns. If you’re still struggling to find a way to make the most of your PPC advertising efforts, we’re ready to help you find the best practices to increase your profit and get the most out of your hard-earned money. Call us today at 713-287-1134 or fill out our contact form here to get in touch with a project manager.

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