Serp Matrix

How to Get More Website Visitors

Regardless of your level of previous marketing experience, the one thing you know for sure is that any successful inbound strategy is going to involve attracting visitors to your website. As obvious as that part may be, actually determining a way to get those visitors can be incredibly hard.

In an effort to keep up with other marketing trends, it can be easy for any person to lose sight of the importance of this first step. Nonetheless, it remains a basic fact that you are going to have to keep in mind constantly.

Understanding Methods to Land More Website Visitors

You cannot afford to believe that generating traffic is some sort of impossible task because that simply is not true. Instead, you should focus on some of the tried and true methods to develop more visitors.

Optimizing a Website for the Searchers

The phrase search engine optimization (SEO) is often used in connection to search engine results pages (SERPs) and where a website ranks. The truth, however, is that SEO is not really about gaming the search engines so much as it is the people who are actually using the search engines.

The good news for a website developer is that by optimizing a website for those visitors, you will also be in turn optimizing the website for the search engines anyway. So in the end, keep those people doing the searches at the front of your mind when you engage in optimization efforts.

This begins with determining what your website visitors want to see and knowing what they are looking for help with. How do you best serve these people?

Developing Content with the Best Keywords

Proper keywords can be one of the most important links between a website and the search engine clicks that lead to website visits. You need to know which keywords that relate to your company are actually the ones driving clicks.

You need to make sure that you are using the keywords that relate to the product or service that you are trying to sell. Without engaging in keyword stuffing (which involves overusing a keyword in an attempt to game search engines, and search engines now actively penalize people for), you have to incorporate keywords into certain elements of your webpages that will drive clicks.

This means placing keywords in your titles, headers, and of course, body text. When the keywords are present in these places, you will have a much higher chance of appearing higher up in search results and getting clicks from random visitors.

Seek Cognitive Fluency with Your Website

The phrase cognitive fluency involves a subjective experience of the ease or difficulty of completing a mental task. It typically refers not to the actual mental process, but more of the feeling that people associate with a process.

This is important for website visitors because a website will have to look and feel the way that person had imagined it before visiting. The best method of establishing cognitive fluency with your website is simply to ask people using your website for their feelings about the website.

Ask visitors what they would expect to see on a website such as yours, the style and formatting they expect, and which types of content should be at the forefront. When a website does not match expectations, then it is probably time to consider other website optimization strategies.

Make Sure Blog Posts Address Topics People are Interested In

Blog posts themselves can be important links to your website. You need to incorporate similar optimization strategies into the blog posts that you use on your standalone website.

Blog post topics should focus on the questions that your customers are actually asking. Provide answers to those questions in your blog posts and make sure you are answering frequently asked questions (FAQs) as well as dealing with the problems they may be having.

When your blog posts correlate to the actual issues people are having, this alone can help improve your standing in many SERPs. Additionally, creating a blog that actually answers customer questions also develops a level of trust that turns a one-time website visitor into a regular customer.

Dedicate Separate Blog Posts to Each Relevant Keyword

You do not want to try and cram multiple keywords into a single blog post because the results are simply not going to have the effect you are hoping for. Instead, when you make separate posts focused on individual keywords, you will have a much greater chance of ranking for each of those keywords.

Keep in mind that most search engines are going to view individual blog posts as being individual website pages. When you incorporate multiple keywords into multiple blog posts, you will increase your chances of ranking highly for all of those keywords.

Publish on a Regular Basis

HubSpot said in a State of Inbound Marketing Report that businesses which blog daily are nearly 70 percent more likely to report a positive return-on-investment than businesses blogging only once a month. In other words, it is in your best interest to publish blogs frequently and on a regular basis rather than only occasionally.

On top of this, another added benefit of blogging regularly means that search engines will also crawl your website on a more regular basis, increasing the chances that your website will be pulled up in searches for your related keywords.

Use Your Content to Answer Questions on Social Media

Most people are now quite familiar with social media platforms, from Facebook to Twitter to LinkedIn. A lot of people have accounts on these platforms, and a great many of them use social media to seek answers to questions.

A company can be incredibly well-served to answer questions by providing links to blog posts or website content that help answer questions people have about certain topics. You can also simply create social media posts containing these links with descriptions that answer common questions, and there will be the possibility that people may find the posts when searching for the topics.

Use Social Media Monitoring

Just as you research keywords on major search engines, also take the time to see what keywords are being searched for on social media websites. HubSpot, for example, has a social media management tool you can use to publish content to social networks, set up keyword monitoring, and link all your interactions back to your customer relationship management (CRM) so you have conversations and can report on social media return on investment (ROI). 

When you are paying attention to social media conversations, you will be better able to participate in conversations and drive website visits. In time, your visitors will surely turn into actual leads.

Find a Website Company in Houston | SERP Matrix

SERP Matrix understands the importance of driving more visitors to your website. We have a number of digital strategies we can incorporate to better serve you in attracting more visitors. If you have a website hurting for visitors in Houston or a surrounding area in Texas, do not wait another moment to contact SERP Matrix. We can take all of the necessary steps to help you achieve the kinds of online results that you are seeking.

Take advantage of a completely free consultation when you call (713) 287-1134 or contact us online. You can have our experienced Project Manager get back to you to further discuss your project.

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